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Based in  Ellsworth, Maine, Jan Watson Healing Services has helped dozens of individuals transform their outdated beliefs and approaches to life and discover joy, love, and peace in every aspect of their lives.  


The work I do goes beyond the concepts to a deep inner experience and knowingness that fosters healing on all levels of mind, emotion, body, and spirit.  I promise to use my extensive 

experience in medical and metaphysical sciences to assist people to move to that next level in their lives and relationships by teaching them the art of authentic communication and aligning with their core values. 


Over the years, Jan has shared her expertise at both personal growth and professional speaking events. Additionally, she continues to teach spiritual growth classes via social media and live events. In a world saturated with self-help" gurus," tools, and information, it's essential to know that there is no cookie-cutter answer for everyone, and Jan understands that every person and situation is unique.

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